For B2B companies in Milwaukee and Chicago, Twitter is gaining ground as a viable web marketing tool. Twitter can engage your current customers and draw your prospects to your website by sharing links. With its 140-character limit per tweet policy, this social networking site works a lot like a hub for streaming headlines. When you use the right keywords, paired with tailored hashtags (words that help viewers categorize tweets), you get followers. You can, in exchange follow back, repost people’s tweets (a.k.a. retweeting), send personal messages and add hyperlinks back to your website or other sites.
This is an especially useful tool for any business owner—whether tech-savvy or not—to carry in his back-pocket, as it helps you stay in the loop and on people’s minds. Get started with these three Tweeting “Do’s” for social media marketing success in the Twittersphere.
1. Write tight. With Twitter, there’s no room or reason for wasting time. The whole premise of the site is to get right to the point fast. Additionally, research shows that keeping tweets between 120-130 characters long is the tweeting sweet spot that helps build readership.
2. Use Keywords. Think about what keywords are relevant and buzzing in your industry – this is fundamental for B2B full service marketing firms. Use those words with a hashtag (#) in front of the word/phrase (i.e., #marketing, #webmktg, #socialmedia) and every time someone searches for that word/phrase, your tweet will come up in the list. It’s a beautiful thing.
3. Think Before You Tweet. Too many business professionals use Twitter as a virtual extension of their business card in the worst way. Shameless self-promotions by way of a link that says ‘Read my latest blog post’ or worse yet, simply just tweeting a link with no description at all will not earn your followers. Sharing customer-focused content will.
4. Keep It Interesting. Mastering Twitter means tweeting things your audience actually cares about, like linking to an interesting news story, posting a news-worthy update about your company or linking to a video you think will benefit your readership. Keeping your reader first is key in providing a positive Twitter experience that your followers will want to repeat.
At Autumn Consulting, we are passionate about helping you grow your business through time-tested eMarketing principles and social media marketing strategies that work. As a web marketing agency in Milwaukee and Chicago that serves B2B companies with full service marketing solutions, we are seasoned in consulting companies on best practice eMarketing methods. Our team includes a diverse group of marketing professionals who specialize in web marketing, content writing, web design, programming, project management, and sales/business strategy.