Trending: Marketing Ecommerce and Social Media

While we can’t predict the future of web marketing, what’s evident is an emerging trend to combine ecommerce functionality within Facebook pages.

According to USA Today, social media experts predict that shopping on retailers’ websites will die out in the next few years as stores enable direct shopping transactions on Facebook.

Consider the following sites:
My Vanity Shoes
Top K2

Wondering how and why the potential integration of ecommerce and social media is growing? The long and short of it is consumers’ increasing attachment to social media sites like Facebook. Imagine the day when a customer says, “It’s too much work for me to leave Facebook, visit a separate website and then make an online purchase.” Sound crazy? It may not be that far off.

If this trend continues, ecommerce and online shopping will move toward an increasingly social experience, with consumers conducting an entire sales transaction without ever leaving Facebook. Customers will then be able to post these purchases on their Facebook wall and add comments, making the news visible in all their friends’ newsfeeds.

How can this benefit you?

  1. Engage customers by enabling them to share recent purchases with their social network. This will likely attract customers with similar needs and shopping interests.
  2. People trust their friends and are likely to view their public purchases as a reliable and authentic recommendation. Building trust through social networks is a valuable method for creating a positive brand and product position.
  3. Your products go viral. Most businesses want to have their product ‘catch on’ as a viral topic in social media as long as the reception is positive. As your customers share their product’s ‘Likes,’ you automatically create a direct marketing campaign to encourage qualified prospects to also purchase your product.

Is this strategy right for your product?

To find out, ask yourself the following key marketing questions:

  1. Have I clearly defined my unique value proposition or do I understand my “why” statement?
  2. Have I evaluated and understood my target audience’s use of Facebook or social media? Are their online experiences consistent with my prospects or customers today? If no, why not?
  3. Are my products or services straight-forward and easy to purchase online or do the products require consultative service or a detailed understanding of the application or use for the products?

The potential benefits of moving your online retail to Facebook will only work if you have a good grasp of your marketing message and understand your qualified prospects and how you effectively engage customers.

Autumn Consulting recommends exploring and understanding your prospects’ and customers’ behavior before implementing your social media or ecommerce service. Why? Because we want to ensure you have the highest degree of business success. Period.

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