What is retargeting? How can it benefit your business? Retargeting is essentially bringing old prospects or customers back. Facebook is a great example of a business that successfully retargets advertisements for its immense and every-changing audience. Consider the ads one might see on their Facebook pages; those are catered specifically towards the person who runs that social media account. It depends on their gender, internet searches, age group, demographics, etc – everything they see appears for a reason. They are being targeted.
But situations change. For example, single people get engaged. Suddenly engagement ring advertisements are not necessary, but wedding venues may be more appropriate. The process of “re-targeting” is when marketers re-engage a previous audience.
According to Christopher Ratcliff, a contributor to Econsulting.com, he recommends several options when re-targeting:
- Search Retargeting. Depending on your prospect’s web behavior, display ads show up based on their internet searches.
- Email Retargeting. If, for example, a prospective customer reached out to you but never followed-up with your response and you reconnect with them later on. It’s reconnecting with a prospect that initially expressed interest in your business.
- Contextual Retargeting. Essentially, partnering up with another business that shares similar audience. When a viewer visits one site and later visits a partnered site, advertisements for the first site show up based on the cookies the viewers computer has.
Retargeting is a way to reach out to a prospective client and remind them about their previous interest in your business. Hopefully, it will lead them to a purchase. While retargeting is a great way to reconnect, companies could take it too far and become an annoyance to their audience. Discretion should be used to ensure you’re catering to your intended audience, not overwhelming them with useless information. If you are looking to give your marketing a fresh perspective, contact Autumn Consulting today! Our team will help your business grow and attract more qualified prospects.