Autumn is Your Chicago Email Marketing Agency

Autumn Consulting is the ideal Chicago email marketing agency for B2B clients and, here’s why: we have experience in the field and we can deliver customized, branded email design with an affordable price tag. Our recent work with BluePoint Alert Solutions can stand as a testament to our collaborative work style and to the quality of our results. 

Right away, we familiarized ourselves with our client’s business goals, messaging, and overall industry climate. This allowed us to deliver a design that was congruent with their existing brand look-and-feel, then helped us shape intentional messaging to key purchasing influencers in the industry. As with other B2B marketing clients in the Chicago area, we begin by first seeking clarity, shaping our performance, and end by delivering valuable results

Content Development

Our B2B marketing clients in the Chicago area often sell a product or service in industries with educated and experienced people. Their readers often require content to be timely and helpful. Addressing your audience with a customer service mindset establishes your expertise and can help convince them to continue working (and buying) with your company.

The Autumn team helped develop content for BluePoint that was professional, clear, and comfortable:

At BluePoint, we care about ensuring the safety of our students, teachers and parents at schools around the country.  Through our work, we have met some leading national experts in the field of school security and safety… 
…Our BluePoint team believes that real safety and security for students and staff is achieved through practical and intuitive solutions taught by these organizations… Contact us to learn how our solution provides the practical approach to these expert’s strategies for ensuring the safety of everyone on your campus.  

Brand Design

 When it comes to email marketing, we know that a customized, but familiar brand design is more likely to draw your readers in. We helped BluePoint develop a clean look that mimics their website design, but allows their reading eyes to flow through the text easily, without distraction.

Measure Engagement

Second to nothing else, we want our work to produce results for our clients. That’s why we use hyperlinks and email marketing analytics to measure the engagement of the contacts on your “to” list. Then, track that data overtime. Our work with BluePoint has allowed us to help qualify leads for their sales team, by identifying individuals who are reading and following links to your website. 

B2B marketing clients in Chicago report positive customer engagement and growth when Autumn gets involved. Whether you’re starting from scratch or just need help with the right content or leads, let us know. We can develop solutions that deliver results for your company, too. 


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