STOP throwing away your money. That’s what I tell some clients, with the following logic as explanation.
The economy has changed and business is not what it used to be. Smart marketers are utilizing the web to target audiences within a specific geographical area with a specific set of needs. The result is a successful process for finding and qualifying prospects. But not everyone is on-board.
Some companies are still spending thousands of dollars in trade show booths, fees and employee hours to promote their company products or services to whoever attends, hoping to get leads.
Still not convinced? Here’s analogy: Doing a trade show is not unlike advertising on TV for fast food during dinner-time. You’re hoping to catch someone who’s interested, but are casting the net too wide for qualified results. My advice? Cancel this year’s trade show and invest in these success-generating ideas, instead:
- Utilize Pay Per Click Ads (PPC) – Advertising that focuses on a specific geographic location, helping you narrow down your targeted audience group before marketing to them. In this way, you focus your marketing to who really matters.
- Write Fresh Website Content – Drive new traffic and visitors to your site and gain thousands of impressions for free without leaving your desk. Ideas for new content generation:
– Case study of a recent client success story
– Positive testimonials from 1-2 satisfied customers
– Q&A on a trending topic in your industry
- Improve Search Engine Marketing – Writing sparkling marketing content takes time. Getting it read takes smarts. Add strong keywords that your customers are searching for into the body of your content. This helps move you up in Google’s search rankings, giving your prime time for engaging with customers.
Autumn Consulting is a Milwaukee web marketing agency with fresh insights on how to boost your web marketing strategy. Our team includes marketers, professional writers, journalists and technology specialists who help clients clarify marketing messages to grow their business.