What is Brand Consulting and Why Does Your Chicago Small Business Need It?
For B2B marketing in Chicago, the competition is often fierce. And proper brand consulting could mean the difference between “just getting by” and getting by well. As a B2B full service marketing firm, Autumn can help give vision to your brand that will translate into sales.
Brand consulting may seem like a job someone just made up one time, but it can bring value to your business. There are forces both externally and internally that impact the sales and sales experience for your customers. As a B2B marketing specialist in the Chicago area, Autumn is equipped to understand the demographics of your customers, the sales position of your competition, and the buy-in of your internal personnel. With that keen understanding, we can ensure that your brand design evokes the right message and culture throughout, we can help clarify how or why your brand is positioned to compete in the marketplace, and ensure that the message is being communicated clearly.
Here are some key reasons why we would recommend brand consulting for your Chicago small business:
1. Your Brand Message Is More Powerful Than You Think
Brand message communicates your product’s value to your employees, your competition, and your customers. Managing the message and the vehicle of communication is key in boosting sales in a B2B marketing landscape.
2. Your Brand Design will Make and Keep Advocates
Loyal brand advocates can be difficult to find these days, with such a high competition for goods. At Autumn, we help our clients find an appealing brand design – one that is both visually appealing and representative of your company’s values and/or mission. As a B2B full service marketing firm, we are experts in capturing these intangibles for any graphic design project. That is what sets us apart from other marketing firms.
3. Company Logistics Can Be Informed by Brand Strategy
Now, more than ever, marketing is not only the job of your marketing department. Our B2B marketing clients in the Chicago area often want brand consulting help that will transform their marketing message from just “talking points” to a “way of life.”
Inspired by your business goals, your marketing message has the potential to guide every part of your business, from website and brochures, to distribution decisions, to workplace morale objectives. Ask Google: a well-developed marketing message can attract the best minds to your workplace and further define a healthy team atmosphere.
4. Know Where to Spend Your Marketing Dollar
Brand consulting services can help determine a purposeful goal for how to spend your marketing money. For a B2B marketing client in Chicago, your brand is more than just your look – it is about where you position your look, where you advertise, where you distribute. If you use the right tools (like email marketing and web analytics), you can learn more about who your most interested prospects are, where they are, and who your competition is.
If you think that all you need is a website or help with social media tasks – think again. Brand consulting may be the key to growing your business and Autumn Consulting could be your best resource. Why invest your marketing dollar in just any marketing office, when you could partner with a B2B full service marketing firm? Let us know how we can help you deliver marketing tasks with purpose and results.