Did you know that out of the 7 billion people in the world, 87% have mobile phones, and 1.2 billion are mobile web users? According to GetElastic, mobile web surfing is estimated to surpass desktop web surfing by 2015. Is your company’s web marketing strategy mobile-ready?
Think of mobile as more than just a device with internet capabilities – mobile is a chance for your company to extend current branding efforts, through clarifying messages, on a medium that your customers and prospects take virtually everywhere.
Autumn Consulting understands the importance of qualifying prospects through mobile marketing. Our team of experts design and build web sites that are mobile ready. Be sure to choose a web marketing agency in Milwaukee or Chicago whose strategy includes social media marketing, web marketing, and mobile web marketing. Check out our web site and our web marketing blog on your tablet, iPhone or Android.
Ready to start engaging customers and qualifying prospects through mobile web marketing? Contact us today to get started.