Google Databoard: Valuable Web Marketing Tool for Milwaukee and Chicago

At Autumn Consulting, we want to be on top of web marketing trends and this involves us reading up on the latest research to help you engage customers and qualify prospects. Google performs a lot of market and industry research that directly affects web marketing trends and, recently, has been striving to make their research easier to consume and sharable.

Google is releasing access to a new research tool early this month called Google Databoard. This tool will be something all users can check out on their own, but at Autumn Consulting, we plan to use this new tool to show valuable data on the effectiveness of our web marketing services, as well as back-up our recommendations for your web marketing campaigns with easy-to-understand, visual sources.

These sources come in the form of interactive infographics. Users are also able to make their own custom infographics by combining relevant data from multiple sources of research. These custom infographics are able to be shared within a social media campaign, on one’s website, or by email. 

Excited about the future of web marketing and the valuable research that can help your business reach its web potential? Contact Autumn Consulting today, learn more about us Autumn Consulting and Nathan Misirian to get started!

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