The Power of Digital: How Web Marketing Has Changed (Part 1)

Ask a traditional communications professional about the golden age of marketing and they’ll tell you about the power that advertising and marketing has provided in helping propel brands off of store shelves and into consumers’ hearts and homes.

It used to be, he or she will say, that a company would be clarifying marketing messages through a commercial, a billboard, a magazine ad or another similar type of signal and it would broadcast their message out to consumers and qualifying prospects.  This message could be about their product, service, a promotion, or more generally, about the brand itself and why consumers should choose it.

While it’s true that this marketing strategy worked for years, there’s one thing you need to understand about marketing today.

The rules have changed.

Living in a multi-screen, cloud-based society will do that.  The thing that most traditional markers don’t realize (or are unwilling to accept) is that the way we communicate with one another and with brands has intrinsically changed.  We watch movies on our mobile devices, store music and document through the cloud and research information on our tablets.  This new interactive method of engaging customers through marketing has become a road block for some and an open door for others, depending on their willingness and skill in joining the movement.

In short, communication has become increasingly personalized and progressively mobile.  This is a good thing.

For example, did you know that the number of mobile devices purchased last year out-sold laptop and desktop computer sales combined?  Or that, 72 hours of video are uploaded onto YouTube every minute?

Here’s a video from Google demonstrating the power that digital search plays in our daily life decisions:

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In our Part 2 of this post-series, we’ll share ways to win those moments that matter most for consumers.

Autumn Consulting is a web marketing Milwaukee agency serving local area businesses and organizations with integrated marketing solutions.  Our team includes a diverse group of marketing professionals who specialize in web marketing, content writing, web design, programming, project management, and sales/business strategy.

If you’re looking for more business marketing strategies from a Milwaukee web marketing consultant you can trust, contact us today to get started.

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