Making Meaningful Twitter Relationships

The use of Tweets can be an effective part of any business’ total web marketing strategy. Twitter, the popular social media giant, allows businesses to interact with their customers at a personal level. Some businesses are using automated DMs to start building relationships with their followers and customers.

“Automated DMs” are automated direct messages that are sent to a Twitter user’s “inbox” and are not shared or public. These automated DMs are generated by a third party service that automatically sends a direct message to new Twitter followers of a specific business. These messages are meant to engage customers by immediately thanking the Twitter user for following the business and often contain links to the business’ web page.

There are valid feelings on both sides of the subject of automated DMs. Some Twitter users don’t mind getting direct messages from businesses if they contain exclusive deals or coupons. Others get very frustrated and annoyed with receiving computer generated messages the second they decide to follow a business.

Twitter is all about building relationships. If a business wants to build new relationships or build upon existing relationships, using automated DMs may hinder that effort by showing Twitter followers that the business takes a more impersonal approach to their customers. However, if a business’ main objective is to communicate exclusive deals and coupons, their followers may respond positively.

There is an alternative to using automated DMs to connect with Twitter followers: personal replies. Send personal replies to new followers and followers that re-Tweet your messages; start a conversation!

Want to learn how to better engage your customers on Twitter? Autumn Consulting has a team of social media experts ready to help your business get started. Contact us today!

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