The Power of Visuals in Social Media Marketing: Part 1


Selecting effective, creative and engaging visuals for your social media marketing campaign is part of a thoughtful comprehensive marketing strategy. Instead of simply posting images to your business’ social media accounts of your products and services, consider using visuals that enhance your brand and support your customer’s or client’s lifestyles. REI is a great example of a company  that uses visuals on their social media sites in effective ways that support and enhance their brand.


Here are 5 effective social media strategies to consider applying to your visuals:

  • Post visuals that tell a story and speak to the environment and lifestyle of your customers
  • Use a combination of solitude and group experience visuals
  • When working with images of your business’ products, use product placement visuals in a creative and authentic ways
  • On your business’ Facebook page, post visuals in status updates
  • Post Pin-worthy images that create cross-promotional opportunities (Facebook,Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram)


Autumn Consulting really thinks about your brand positioning in social media. How you do this can either help or hurt your business. Autumn will work with your Milwaukee business to create a social media marketing campaign that uses visuals in powerful and engaging ways.  Contact us today to get started

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