Whether in Milwaukee or Chicago areas, social media marketing is certainly a trend, but it is far from a passing trend. It’s here to stay and, if you’re not in on the game, Autumn Consulting is here to get you started. The easiest mistake a company can make is jump into the bandwagon without considering what you want to accomplish in doing so.
As a web marketing expert for businesses in Milwaukee and Chicago for over 10 years, we’ve been “posting” and “tweeting” for a while. So, we can navigate the meaningful data with you and for you to make sure what you’re spending your time on is working. Here is some insight on how we typically jump-start a social media marketing plan with our clients:
Do you currently have a social media strategy? If so, how does it vary with different companies?
As a social media agency for many firms in Chicago and Milwaukee areas, we develop a strategy that will get results. In short, our view of social media strategy is to engage our client’s customers and prospects. Specific goals vary by client but examples include:
- increasing brand awareness through hash-tag re-use
- listening and responding to customer needs and concerns
- demonstrating timely product or service updates
- building brand champions who promote the brand/firm to their own network
How do you develop a budget for Social Media marketing?
For any of our web marketing services in Milwaukee or Chicago areas, our business model is designed to either provide virtual marketing assistance, direct consulting or a hybrid approach. This will inform how we negotiate a rate for the work provided.
Virtual marketing assistance means we develop a social media marketing content plan, timeline, content and graphics. Then, we post content on behalf of the firm and report analytics on the progress of this work.
Direct consulting is when our team provides strategic guidance as a social media agency while our client in the Milwaukee or Chicago area executes the strategy and we provide third-party review and feedback to our client.
Hybrid is simply a combination of approaches. Often times, our clients don’t specialize in strategy or lack the breadth/depth of experience we’ve had. So, clients will ask us to lead the content development and strategy process and they implement the solutions. Together we form a working social media marketing team, which will review and improve the process as needed.
Whether you are in the Milwaukee or Chicago areas, you probably know you need to get a social media marketing strategy in place. However, if you’re not sure how to get started, contact us. We can talk through what it is you want to accomplish and work with your team to make it a reality.